Chip 8 Interpreter
Written in C++ and displayed with SFML. Github
Still in progress, but basic functionality is present

Since my Sixth Form Computer Science classes I've been aware of the Fetch Execute Cycle of a computer and the more specific workings of a computer's hardware. I wanted to get more personally involved with this and thought a great method for that would be to write an emulator.
The Chip-8 admittedly is the start most people take when they want to learn the inner workings of an emulator, so I jumped along onto the bandwagon.
The project itself is quite simple really, the Chip-8 has 35 Opcodes and all it really does is decode instructions from self defined stack and memory locations and execute the equivalent action in your virtual computer memory environment. But I found it quite fascinating observing and creating the methods through which a computer functions.
I'm planning to polish it up a bit and then maybe work on something a bit more complicated, perhaps the GameBoy? Next time I'll certainly use function pointers, as the switch case got out of hand enough with just 35 Opcodes.
The Chip-8 admittedly is the start most people take when they want to learn the inner workings of an emulator, so I jumped along onto the bandwagon.
The project itself is quite simple really, the Chip-8 has 35 Opcodes and all it really does is decode instructions from self defined stack and memory locations and execute the equivalent action in your virtual computer memory environment. But I found it quite fascinating observing and creating the methods through which a computer functions.
I'm planning to polish it up a bit and then maybe work on something a bit more complicated, perhaps the GameBoy? Next time I'll certainly use function pointers, as the switch case got out of hand enough with just 35 Opcodes.